But however things turn out, it'll be back to normal after that and hopefully I'm going to post on Tuesday again! :)
lördag 27 september 2014
Just a little update...
Hello! Today I'm not going to post any certain pictures. I just wanted to make a post so that you know what's coming up next :) And the whole reason of that is: I'm going to be out of town the next couple of days and I'll not be able to post anything. Maybe I'm taking some pictures so that I can make a post about it when I'm home again, but just maybe.
But however things turn out, it'll be back to normal after that and hopefully I'm going to post on Tuesday again! :)
But however things turn out, it'll be back to normal after that and hopefully I'm going to post on Tuesday again! :)
torsdag 25 september 2014
Pink&Red flowers
Hi everyone! This time I'm posting a bouquet with pretty pink, red and purple flowers. I think it's lovely with all the colours, but I'm also a fan of black and white pictures, so I added some effect to one of the pictures. Yesterday I also shoot a picture from my window, and I really liked how it turned out, so I'm posting it as well. Enjoy! :)
Black and white,
måndag 22 september 2014
Life of Maja
Hello, I'm Maja, the black and white cat and this is what I have to go to every day.
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Everything is good I've just had some food. Just sitting here, guarding my territory. |
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This one (Sessan) is here, I live with her. *Sigh* |
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Then I go for a walk around my territory. And... no... a disgusting, wet, leaf just touched my beautiful paw. How dare it?! |
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She's following me, all happy about the wet leafs and everything. *Sigh* |
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We meet, and it's all fine. Then she walks away a bit, alone(!) and I become suspicious. |
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Ready, set... |
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Go! |
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Danger is attacking! Protect the territory! |
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Oh. You again. I guess it was just false alarm then. |
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This made me hungry, I'm going home. |
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And here it goes again... |
lördag 20 september 2014
Hello everyone! I'm back with some pictures of autumn that either can be depressing and sad or - depending on your autumn feelings - hopefully turn your thoughts to a cozy day at home under a warm blanket. But anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it and stay tuned because next post (that will be up at Monday) is super cute. I can reveal that it will be the cats playing outdoor! :)
Black and white,
måndag 15 september 2014
Leafs and other things
Hello! I'm doing it all in English this time, and I'm sorry I haven't posted anything over the past week, but now I'm back! :) This evening I'm posting some leafs and other little things I found around in the house. It's not very many pictures, I was shooting a lot, but without flash and that made them al blurry :p
måndag 8 september 2014
Hej på er! Idag har jag lekt lite med vatten (vem gör inte det när tillfället ges?!) genom att kasta ner föremål i en skål fylld med vatten. Jag tyckte plasken blev lyckade, skärpan var bra. Det kunde blivit en bättre bakgrund, men jag är nöjd! :)
Hi everyone! Today I've been playing with water (who doesn't do that when a opportunity is given?!) by throwing things in to a bowl with water. I liked the splashes, the pictures turned out sharp. It could've been a better background, but I'm happy! :)
lördag 6 september 2014
Tillbakablick - Landskap
Hejsan! Jag tänkte att det var ett tag sedan jag gjorde en tillbakablick. Efter att ha tittat runt på Pinterest bestämde jag mig för att göra dagens inlägg om landskap. Macro är min favorit typ av bilder, men det finns allt några landskap att välja mellan också :) (Och alla är inte solnedgångar!)
Throwback - Landscape
Hello! I thought it was a wile since I'd a throwback. After looking around on Pinterest for some time, I decided to make today's post about landscapes. Macro is my favourite category of pictures to shoot, but I also have some landscapes to pick out for the blog too :) (And they aren't all sunsets!)
torsdag 4 september 2014
Maja & Tigra!
Hej! Jag tänkte inte lägga upp något avancerat för dagens inlägg, det blir bara några gulliga bilder på två av katterna. Solnedgången tog jag också med, för jag blev väldigt nöjd med den men av någon anledning lade jag aldrig upp bilden när jag tog den!
Sedan kanske lite kort om katterna. Maja (svartvit) gillar allt som har att göra med kartong. Medan Tigra (tigrerad/brun) håller sig till det som är mysigt. Som varma saker, antar jag, för jag hittar henne ofta halvsovande på min dator :)
Sedan kanske lite kort om katterna. Maja (svartvit) gillar allt som har att göra med kartong. Medan Tigra (tigrerad/brun) håller sig till det som är mysigt. Som varma saker, antar jag, för jag hittar henne ofta halvsovande på min dator :)
Maja & Tigra
Hi! I didn't think of doing something advanced for today's post, it's just some cute pictures with two of the cats. I also took the picture of the sunset, because I thought it turned out nice but I newer posted it for some reason!
And maybe something short about the cats. Maja (black and white) likes everything that is made out of cardboard. Tigra (brindled/brown) on the other hand stick to what's cozy. Like warm things, I guess, because I often find her half asleep on my computer :)
tisdag 2 september 2014
Blommor i rosa&rött
Hej på er alla! För dagens inlägg bestämde jag mig för att fota något ni som följt min gamla blogg vet att jag lätt kan fylla en veckas bloggande med - blommor. Så här kommer några bilder jag tog idag. Jag hoppas också att spindeln inte skrämmer iväg er :)
Flowers in pink&red
Hello everyone! For the post of today, I decided to shoot some pictures of something you who followed my old blog know I easely can blog about a whole week - flowers. So here are some pictures I shoot today. I also hope that the spider doesn't scares you away :)
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