Hi everybody! I know I haven't been any good at blogging this weekend but it's because I have a lot of upcoming tests right now and I've studied this weekend. Now I'm going to try and blog as often as I can but it's not the part where I sit down, edit photos and write a post that takes most time, it's taking good photos - unless I'm doing something like a book review or photo tips. So it might not be a very great variety in photos and it's probably just going to be three or maybe four.
I hope you have had a great weekend and have done something more fun than reading biology over and over again... Something that have been fun on the other hand was me completing Für Elise on piano this Thursday! I've been working on it a lot and now it's just a little part with my left hand that I have to get a little faster.
söndag 27 september 2015
torsdag 24 september 2015
Hello everyone! I know I haven't made any posts in a few days, almost a week, but that is because I have tried to get this video done. It's a few clips from when I and my friend took his dog Joppe for a walk in the forest. Now the thing is, the video is very short and the end is kind of weird because I have no idea how to do a proper ending. It took me four days to put thorougher because I soon realized I have no idea whatsoever on how to edit, cut and put these clips into a video.
Here is the result, after endless hours of watching tutorials on youtube I finally made a kind of decent video that is now up on youtube! The channel is called 'Issapixlat' just like my blog! If you like this kind of little videos I might do more in the future, but then I'm going to be better and more prepared!
Here is the result, after endless hours of watching tutorials on youtube I finally made a kind of decent video that is now up on youtube! The channel is called 'Issapixlat' just like my blog! If you like this kind of little videos I might do more in the future, but then I'm going to be better and more prepared!
söndag 20 september 2015
A little wasp
Hi readers! I know it haven't been any posts for a couple of days and you are probably wondering why I haven't been posting anything without noticing you. Well it's really simple, Friday I forgot, Saturday was my mum's birthday. I had not planned to post anything on Saturday either way but I was going to write about that on Friday. The thing was that I forgot the Friday post basically. But now I'm back!
Today's photos are just a few photos of a wasp I saw today. I was outside in the garden and thinking about possible photos when this wasp flew right past my face. I looked after it because I thought it was a fly and then I saw that it was a wasp and that the wasp landed on these yellow flowers. When I got closer I only got a few photos of the wasp before it left, then I took a quick photo of this leaf and that is it for today! :)
Today's photos are just a few photos of a wasp I saw today. I was outside in the garden and thinking about possible photos when this wasp flew right past my face. I looked after it because I thought it was a fly and then I saw that it was a wasp and that the wasp landed on these yellow flowers. When I got closer I only got a few photos of the wasp before it left, then I took a quick photo of this leaf and that is it for today! :)
torsdag 17 september 2015
A summer memory #8
Hello everyone! It's finally time to bring back my summer memory series. If you don't remember I had it last year during winter and autumn. This is basically me showing you photos from a summer in the past to help get through the winter. Sometimes during the darker half of the year I can just get those days (or even weeks) when I just wish for summer and warmth.
This memory is from July this year. I made a post called Lilac flowers, you can see it by clicking at the link. This is some photos I thought of making into another post when I didn't have time to shoot some new photos. That never happened so I decided to show this in a summer memory instead! :)
This memory is from July this year. I made a post called Lilac flowers, you can see it by clicking at the link. This is some photos I thought of making into another post when I didn't have time to shoot some new photos. That never happened so I decided to show this in a summer memory instead! :)
onsdag 16 september 2015
The countryside - 3
tisdag 15 september 2015
Sweet Sessan
Hello everybody! I came home from school and saw Sessan sitting in the garden so I went outside again with my camera. These are the photos of her from today, they where quite hard to get because she wouldn't stop walking around. When I finally just sat down she suddenly did the same, that's why most photos are from almost the same angle. Every time I moved she too moved after me but if I just sat still she did that as well.
The leaves are turning red and yellow, falling of the trees. I can really feel that autumn is here now, but then it's mid-September already. The winds are cold and the sun sets so early. I feel like summer just started a couple of weeks ago, but no, it was months ago and summer has already come to an end I believe. Only thing I like about this season must be the cloths - knitted sweaters and more neutral colored clothing.
The leaves are turning red and yellow, falling of the trees. I can really feel that autumn is here now, but then it's mid-September already. The winds are cold and the sun sets so early. I feel like summer just started a couple of weeks ago, but no, it was months ago and summer has already come to an end I believe. Only thing I like about this season must be the cloths - knitted sweaters and more neutral colored clothing.
måndag 14 september 2015
Hi there! For today's photos it's just some white berries and a white house. I don't remember where I took these photos, I think it was last Thursday when I just had had my piano lesson. I'm not quite sure but I think that was when I took these photos. Since then they have just been on my SD-card without me even noticing. I did write a little note to myself where reminded myself of today's photos. To write down the photos I like on little post-it notes and stick them in my calendar has showed to be very helpful.
This week is probably going to be one of those autumn-like weeks. It has been a gray sky, windy and raining this whole day. Tomorrow is going to be just like today but with even more rain. I feel like posting a summer memory, would that be too early? Summer feels so far away now and it's just the beginning of September.
This week is probably going to be one of those autumn-like weeks. It has been a gray sky, windy and raining this whole day. Tomorrow is going to be just like today but with even more rain. I feel like posting a summer memory, would that be too early? Summer feels so far away now and it's just the beginning of September.
söndag 13 september 2015
4 different mug cakes!
Hello readers! I wanted to post yesterday but my wi-fi connection wouldn't let me. From about 17-22 I didn't have a wi-fi connection and after ten I just got tired of it all and decided to try again the next day. So here I am, finally being able to blog again. It feels like a long time ago because I didn't make any post yesterday.
Today I made 4 different mug cakes. The recipe and video is from this youtube clip that I found interesting and wanted to try. In the video there is five mug cakes but I didn't try the 'Apple crumble mug cake' because I didn't have all those ingredients. I did kind of enjoy eating them but I probably wouldn't make them again. It wasn't any kind of time saver, and it wasn't very flavorful. The 'Gluten-free chocolate banana mug cake' was very bitter and that one really didn't taste good. All of the cakes tasted like egg and had a very sponge-like consistency that I didn't like either.
In the 'Funfetti mug cake' all sprinkles was in the bottom of my mug, I didn't see any of them on top. The 'Red velvet mug cake' turned out like a chocolate cake and it wasn't anything red about it. I made my own cream cheese frosting and I used it on all of the mug cakes, it melted on my red velvet so that's why it looks very strange.
Today I made 4 different mug cakes. The recipe and video is from this youtube clip that I found interesting and wanted to try. In the video there is five mug cakes but I didn't try the 'Apple crumble mug cake' because I didn't have all those ingredients. I did kind of enjoy eating them but I probably wouldn't make them again. It wasn't any kind of time saver, and it wasn't very flavorful. The 'Gluten-free chocolate banana mug cake' was very bitter and that one really didn't taste good. All of the cakes tasted like egg and had a very sponge-like consistency that I didn't like either.
In the 'Funfetti mug cake' all sprinkles was in the bottom of my mug, I didn't see any of them on top. The 'Red velvet mug cake' turned out like a chocolate cake and it wasn't anything red about it. I made my own cream cheese frosting and I used it on all of the mug cakes, it melted on my red velvet so that's why it looks very strange.
Gluten-free chocolate banana mug cake |
Funfetti mug cake |
Red velvet mug cake |
Rainbow mug cake |
Eat and recipes
fredag 11 september 2015
Car photos
Hi everyone! All week when I've gone to school it has been this very beautiful, thick mist over the river close to my house. You might remember the same river from one of my many posts with photos from this river. If you don't recall it, you might want to check out this one, this, or maybe this post? I wanted to capture this beautiful mist, but today's early photo adventures didn't really go as planned.
First thing is, I get outside and realize there is no mist by the river that day. All of the neighborhood and higher up the hill behind my house is covered in mist. That is not how it has looked the other days, then the mist have only been by and over the river. Second thing that happened was that when I got to the station my train was canceled because of track reparations. My dad gave me a ride in the car to school so I didn't get there late, luckily. On the way to school I got these photos through the car window. I hope you like them, even if they have a bit of noise.
First thing is, I get outside and realize there is no mist by the river that day. All of the neighborhood and higher up the hill behind my house is covered in mist. That is not how it has looked the other days, then the mist have only been by and over the river. Second thing that happened was that when I got to the station my train was canceled because of track reparations. My dad gave me a ride in the car to school so I didn't get there late, luckily. On the way to school I got these photos through the car window. I hope you like them, even if they have a bit of noise.
torsdag 10 september 2015
Last flowers of summer?
Hello there! I hope you liked yesterdays book review, I sure loved reading that book. It was such a challenge to keep the review short, I'm sure I could have kept talking about if for many more pages. Today I saw some orange/red flowers by the parking lot close to my house when I walked home from the train. These are the flowers I saw, I really think - even if I don't hope that it's the case - these flowers are the last ones of this summer. I haven't seen any other flowers around, most of them are brown and dead by now.
Today was not too cold, a bit of clouds but no rain. I went to play the piano and now I'm going to write down a French glossary. Nothing happened today really, the most exciting thing I did was to try out Instagram's new update where all photos isn't square anymore.
Today was not too cold, a bit of clouds but no rain. I went to play the piano and now I'm going to write down a French glossary. Nothing happened today really, the most exciting thing I did was to try out Instagram's new update where all photos isn't square anymore.
onsdag 9 september 2015
Book review: Wilful Disregard - A Novel About Love

Author: Lena Andersson
Genre: Romance
Year published: 2013
Pages: ca 208
A place to buy it: If you are in Sweden you can you can click here to buy the book of Adlibris and if that's not the case you can click here to buy it from Amazon.
Other: Winner of the August Prize 2013
Previous book review: Vanished
It's not in the story but in the words
The main character is called Ester and the whole story is basically her falling in love with a man, breaking up with her previous partner in order to be with this other man and then it turns out he is not a very nice person. In the book I didn't really fall much for the characters, I never felt like I cared about them or really cared about what happened in their relationship. The plot is simple and not something I could care about because the characters didn't feel very present to me.So what is it to like if not the story nor the characters are that good? That answer is very simple, it is the words by which Ester's feelings are portrayed that lifts this book so much. If the language and the words Lena uses in this book wasn't there I wouldn't have gotten through the book. It is very clear early on in the book that Ester is madly in love but she isn't loved back as much as she loves him. The man she falls in love with never sees Ester as a main road, she is always the little sidetrack you take because of the lovely view, you are still going to leave the sidetrack for the main road but you go on it because you want some variation - was that a very confusing example?
Through heartbreak after heartbreak
What I found interesting in the book was how naive Ester really was, she just kept hoping for this man to start loving her as she loved him. Every little text, phone call or dinner happened the same way. She got happy, filled with hope and excitement. The date or phone call or whatever happened and then she didn't hear from him in like three months - for her that was three months of depression - then he contacted her again and so on.I almost got angry at Ester. Why didn't she see that she was just being used? But most of all: why did she keep going back to him? It is very obvious that he is just using her, keeping her within reach and never letting go. I know she probably isn't supposed to realize this because she is in love and so on but it really makes me frustrated.
Final thoughts
The language and the words are wonderful, they do a great job illustrating all of Ester's ups and downs. I love the way a few smaller characters are portrayed, like Hugo's best friend and Ester's partner in the beginning of the book. Ester herself is a character I could never like, she really isn't likable because I find her way too naive and supposedly blinded by her love for Hugo. 10/10, I would love to recommend everyone who doesn't care too much about a very strong story.tisdag 8 september 2015
Some photos of Tigra
Hello everybody! I know that it has been a lot of landscape photos lately so today I'm just going to post cats. Or one cat actually, Tigra. She is just so cute in these photos, especially when she looks so confused in the last photo. That was because the auto focus on my camera made a little beep. Tigra usually don't like that sound so when I am taking photos of her I tend to keep my camera on the quiet setting. I must have accidentally changed that setting.
My cold finally gave up and left so I did go to school today. I'm hoping it isn't going to be any more colds of any other sort of sickness, at least not until Halloween and the break that week. Also, this week is probably going to have a book review, I just read an amazing book and I want to share it with all of you. Stay tuned! I'm going to start writing on it today or tomorrow, it's hopefully going to be up until the weekend.
My cold finally gave up and left so I did go to school today. I'm hoping it isn't going to be any more colds of any other sort of sickness, at least not until Halloween and the break that week. Also, this week is probably going to have a book review, I just read an amazing book and I want to share it with all of you. Stay tuned! I'm going to start writing on it today or tomorrow, it's hopefully going to be up until the weekend.
måndag 7 september 2015
More landscapes
Hello readers! Today's photos are landscape again because I just felt like that maybe would be a good idea(?). I don't know if it is, I just looked through my photo map and found the first photo below. It is taken when I was trying different shutter speed for the photo tips. If you missed that post or want to check it out again, here it is: Photo tips: More about shutter speed.
The other photos are from today. I went outside because I wanted some other photos to post together with the photo I found. Something I really enjoy is finding photos in my photo map like this. I just think it is really inspiring to find a photo that I previously liked and still like it. Most of the time I think my photos from last month is bad but when I took those photos I really liked them.
The other photos are from today. I went outside because I wanted some other photos to post together with the photo I found. Something I really enjoy is finding photos in my photo map like this. I just think it is really inspiring to find a photo that I previously liked and still like it. Most of the time I think my photos from last month is bad but when I took those photos I really liked them.
söndag 6 september 2015
The countryside - 2
Hi readers! As I said yesterday it's time for more photos from the countryside. I made this post a while back ago in the end of august. Here is the first post in case you want to see it again or maybe you missed it the first time. Just like last time I like these photos, but it really makes me annoyed that when I saved the photos they lost a bit of their sharpness and the little details turned out blurry. It happened with the photos in the first post too, but I didn't realize that then.
I hope this editing problem isn't going to happen again, I'm not sure what caused it but I don't want it to happen again. The version I saved for instagram didn't turn out blurred so I really have no idea what is going on.
I hope this editing problem isn't going to happen again, I'm not sure what caused it but I don't want it to happen again. The version I saved for instagram didn't turn out blurred so I really have no idea what is going on.
lördag 5 september 2015
Almost autumn
Hi there! It has just been raining these past days and you can really feel that the last of summer is almost over. When the sun is up and shining you could almost think it's just a cold summer - or maybe an early spring - day. But even that is soon going to be over, I've already seen some yellow and red leaves beneath the trees and bushes. Another problem with this bad weather is that I don't want to take my camera out, it's nothing waterproof about it and I don't want it to break or something like that.
The bad weather is at least one of the reasons to why there is only two photos today. Another reason is that my cold made a comeback yesterday and now my nose is running and I'm just so tired. I didn't even go to the stable today because I was afraid that would make me even more sick. The photos from the countryside is probably going to be uploaded tomorrow!
The bad weather is at least one of the reasons to why there is only two photos today. Another reason is that my cold made a comeback yesterday and now my nose is running and I'm just so tired. I didn't even go to the stable today because I was afraid that would make me even more sick. The photos from the countryside is probably going to be uploaded tomorrow!
Black and white,
fredag 4 september 2015
Ett affärssystem för alla företag!
Sponsrat inlägg
(This post is written in Swedish because it's addressed to my Swedish readers but you can translate the post with the help of the translation you find in the left column. This company has a website perfectit.se/en/ in English, so you can still visit!)
Hej! Nu på senaste tiden har molntjänster blivit väldigt vanligt, nästan alla har nog använt sig av Dropbox eller OneDrive. Att det har blivit så populärt är kanske inte så konstigt, molntjänster är väldigt lätt att använda. Jag gillar verkligen att jag med ett enkelt klick kan spara mina viktiga saker på molnet och sedan komma åt dem även från en annan enhet.
Har ni hört talas om perfectit.se? Det är en tjänst som använder sig av den här sortens "molnteknologi". Perfect IT ger dig tillgång till ett molnbaserat affärssystem. Deras hemsida finns på både engelska och svenska, så även mina utländska läsare kan hitta information om deras tjänster där.
Perfect IT har utvecklat någonting som kallas för BeX®, det är deras affärs- och retailsystem. Det finns tre olika sorters BeX® tjänster att välja mellan. Ett av alternativen är BeX® Online. Den här tjänsten hjälper dig hantera order, ekonomi, dina inköp och liknande. Om du vill kan du dessutom välja att koppla ihop din BeX® Online med en annan tjänst av perfectit.se som heter BeX®Retail POS. Denna enkelt tillvalda tjänst ger dig möjligheten att hålla koll på hela din butikskassa, det går också att använda i hur många olika butiker du vill.
Är du istället intresserad av att ha en e-handel plattform ska du använda dig av BeX®B2B. Det är tjänsten Perfect IT rekommenderar agenter, externa säljare och fler att använda.
Visste du förresten att två av de största företagen inom barnkläder i Storbritannien och Norge använder sig av Perfect IT? Den har väldigt positiva kundrecensioner och antalet nöjda kunder växer. Det här är tjänsten du vill använda, tänk bara vad smart det är att spara viktiga filer på molnet! På deras händiga flik "Kunder" kan du under översikten hitta företag som alexandalexa, babyshop.se och Face Stockholm.
Hos Perfect IT har dem över 30 års erfarenhet, till tjänsterna med BeX® ingår också hosting, support och underhåll vilket är väldigt händigt. Stöter du på något problem är det helt enkelt bara att kontakta supporten så hjälper de dig att arbeta fram en lösning på problemet. Det här är helt enkelt det självklara valet, gör som flera andra stora företag, välj Perfect IT!
(This post is written in Swedish because it's addressed to my Swedish readers but you can translate the post with the help of the translation you find in the left column. This company has a website perfectit.se/en/ in English, so you can still visit!)
Hej! Nu på senaste tiden har molntjänster blivit väldigt vanligt, nästan alla har nog använt sig av Dropbox eller OneDrive. Att det har blivit så populärt är kanske inte så konstigt, molntjänster är väldigt lätt att använda. Jag gillar verkligen att jag med ett enkelt klick kan spara mina viktiga saker på molnet och sedan komma åt dem även från en annan enhet.

Perfect IT har utvecklat någonting som kallas för BeX®, det är deras affärs- och retailsystem. Det finns tre olika sorters BeX® tjänster att välja mellan. Ett av alternativen är BeX® Online. Den här tjänsten hjälper dig hantera order, ekonomi, dina inköp och liknande. Om du vill kan du dessutom välja att koppla ihop din BeX® Online med en annan tjänst av perfectit.se som heter BeX®Retail POS. Denna enkelt tillvalda tjänst ger dig möjligheten att hålla koll på hela din butikskassa, det går också att använda i hur många olika butiker du vill.
Är du istället intresserad av att ha en e-handel plattform ska du använda dig av BeX®B2B. Det är tjänsten Perfect IT rekommenderar agenter, externa säljare och fler att använda.
Visste du förresten att två av de största företagen inom barnkläder i Storbritannien och Norge använder sig av Perfect IT? Den har väldigt positiva kundrecensioner och antalet nöjda kunder växer. Det här är tjänsten du vill använda, tänk bara vad smart det är att spara viktiga filer på molnet! På deras händiga flik "Kunder" kan du under översikten hitta företag som alexandalexa, babyshop.se och Face Stockholm.
Hos Perfect IT har dem över 30 års erfarenhet, till tjänsterna med BeX® ingår också hosting, support och underhåll vilket är väldigt händigt. Stöter du på något problem är det helt enkelt bara att kontakta supporten så hjälper de dig att arbeta fram en lösning på problemet. Det här är helt enkelt det självklara valet, gör som flera andra stora företag, välj Perfect IT!
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