söndag 31 januari 2016

Snowy tree

Hi readers! Every day these past five days I've thought to myself: today I'm going to blog. And every evening when I've closed my computer, I remember that I was supposed to make a post that day. But it just didn't happen at all... Until now, five days later. I'm going to post more of Molle - the cute dog in the last post - but for now I didn't have much time because it's a lot of photos to go through. So I'll just post these three photos of this snowy tree.

It's not any snow outside anymore, these are from earlier (because I didn't plan this five day break). Right now it's just as boring as october-december, it's dark and raining and windy and basically everything looks grey or brown. The only thing I like about this late winter weather is the lighting. Around 3PM it's a beautiful before-sunset-lighting that come in through my window and the not too thick or too dark clods make it very beautiful with soft shadows and a subtle contrast.

tisdag 26 januari 2016

White chocolate cheesecake!

Hi readers! I feel like it's been a wile since I made a post with something I've baked, so I decided today could be a good day to post something like that. This is a white chocolate cheesecake, made after my grandmothers recipe. It was delicious and I made two of them. But it was really long ago, in late December if I remember correctly.

More photos of cute little Molle is coming up, the next post is going to be about him again since I still have a lot of photos left. The snow is melting away, it's starting to get grey outside again. It's a bit sad but I don't think this is the last we have seen of the snow this winter, it's probably going to snow more later.

söndag 24 januari 2016

Molle and snow!

Hello readers! Yesterday I met up with one of my friends and we went ice-skating together, in the afternoon. But before that we took Molle, their family dog, for a walk. Molle was jumping all the time, he jumped and dug through the thick snow along the sidewalk. It was really hard to get any good photos of him, he was never really still. A lot of the photos turned out a bit blurred because he was moving so much, but I managed to get some good ones too.

At first I was afraid that it was going to be too dark, I couldn't come earlier because of my riding lesson, but everything turned out great. Molle is an American Shepherd and he's about one year old. He was super cute but very scared of me.

Bra bilvård i Västerås

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Bra bilvård i Västerås finns att hitta på Lota Bilvård AB, det är ett företag som varit aktivt i 20 år. Kvalité är något som de verkligen håller på, och till rimliga priser dessutom! De erbjuder avancerade biltjänster och strävar efter att uppfylla men helst också överträffa varje kunds olika förväntningar och önskemål. Självklart tar de också hänsyn till biltillverkarnas specifika rekommendationer och använder bar marknadens bästa produkter och redskap. Exempel på några av deras olika tjänster inom bilvård är: rekond, lackskydd, lackförsegling, däckbyte, invändning tvätt och balansering.

Lota Bilvård AB hjälper dig alltså med allt från att byta däck till biltvätt. Men för att bara gå in på det lite närmare kan vi väl börja med att prata lite om däckbyte. Det är nämligen viktigt att du har rätt lufttryck, hålla ett rotationsschema och liknande för att dina däck ska få den optimala livslängden. Att däcken ska hålla länge vill vi ju alla, så därför kan det vara bra att köra förbi Lota Bilvård AB ifall du märker att du har ojämt slitage eller liknande. Där kan du nämligen få hjälp med att byta däck snabbt och säkert, dessutom blir däcken professionellt inspekterade. Såklart kan du också få hjälp med andra problem som balansering och hjultvätt. Och även om du inte bor precis i Västerås tycker jag allt att det ändå är värt att ta sig dit för att få ta en sväng förbi Lota Bilvård AB. Gör det till en dagsutflykt!

När jag ändå nämner hjultvätt så kanske jag också ska skriva om rekond. Det är nämligen en professionell handtvätt, ungefär. Din bil får både utvändig och invändig tvätt så att den blir som ny. Bilens lack vaxas och polleras också för att verkligen få upp den rätta glansen. Och när vi pratar om lack så kan jag ta tillfället i akt och påminna om hur viktigt det är med någon form av lackförsegling. Vaxet hjälper visserligen lite men löses snart upp eller tvättas bort. Då är det därför viktigt att behandla din bil med någon form av lackskydd för att skydda lacken mot smuts och oxidation. Om du är runt omkring Västerås kan du alltid titta förbi Lota Bilvård AB för att få lackskydd på din bil, gammal som ny.

fredag 22 januari 2016

A new view

Hi everybody! Today - or more like tonight Swedish time - I wanted to share my new view with you. It's a view I've many times showed on my blog. Yes, I'm talking about the yellow house and the sunsets and other various photos that I've taken of that house. The house is now moved to another address and now I just have the white back of the supermarket to look at... So here are some photos of what my new view look like. The first two photos are also night and day of the same motive, the night one taken when I got up and the second one taken when I got home from school.

As for my day I've been trying to watch a documentary about the surgeon Paolo Macchiarini and read this article I found called A Philosphical Approach to Time but my internet connection won't let me watch nor read. I have a few tests coming up but I don't think it's going to take time from my blogging, it's nothing big just a debate and two written tests.

I hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy the photos! :)

onsdag 20 januari 2016

Even more snow!

Hi readers! The snow is still here, it's probably come to stay for a while now and I think it's very nice. Snow makes everything prettier and it's a bit easier to take photos since there are motives everywhere. It's not very cold either, so I definitely enjoy the weather right now. I'm also very proud over the fact that I haven't forgot to blog in a while now. Almost all of January has been full of posts. And hopefully I'll keep it that way.

Today's photos are a bit similar to the one's in the last post, but I think they feel similar because of the snow to. I have retaken some photos of the old motives again in a new angle and a bit differently, so you might recognize some photos. So, I really hope you enjoy these photos!

måndag 18 januari 2016

Winter evening

Hello everyone! I went outside this evening and took some photos. It's been colder than usual but it has also been a very clear sky. No clouds at all, just a clear blue sky. Yesterday was pretty cold, too cold really, but today was better. But when I took these photos I didn't wear my mittens nor my scarf so it was very cold for me since I didn't dress properly.

Anyway, I do think these photos turned out pretty good. I don't really have much to say except for the fact that the sunset in the third photo got overexposed. Still, I liked the rest of that photo so I decided to keep it in. Other than that I don't really have a lot to add today.

Naprapat i Stockholm

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Naprapatkliniken i Stockholm finns det många olika behandlingssätt för att du ska få bästa möjliga resultat och hjälp. Du kan på Naprapatkliniken få hjälp med allt från migrän och nackspärr till armbågar, höfter och hälsporre. Den som välkomnar dig till kliniken heter Jeanette Lundberg och hon är en legitimerad naprapat som har över trettio års erfarenhet i bagaget. Alltså behöver du inte oroa dig eftersom att hon har både erfarenhet och utbildning.

För att boka tid kan du enkelt gå in på deras hemsida. Där har du möjlighet att boka tid direkt från deras hemsida, gå bara in på fliken som det står tidsbokning på. När du väl kommit dit kan du välja om du vill boka tid på kliniken i Älvsjö eller vid Globen. Du väljer också behandlingsform: naprapati, akupunktur, laserbehandling eller ultraljud-/retströmsbehandling.

Deras öppettider är vardagar mellan 08:00 – 19:00, men det finns också jour för dig som behöver akut hjälp. För dig som är i behov av akut naprapati finns det alltså hjälp att få. Naprapatkliniken erbjuder en jourmottagning som gäller även på helger, just för akuttider. Det finns också kvällsjour under vardagar mellan 16:30 – 20:00.

Visste du förresten också att Naprapatkliniken är medlemmar i Svenska Naprapatförbundet. De har nämligen stor kunskap inom behandling av ischias, hälsporre, o.s.v. När du besöker någon av deras kliniker får du ett snabbt och personlight omhändertagande. Tack vare deras långa erfarenhet blir detta omhändertagande också effektivt. Behandlingen kan också, om det skulle vara nödvändigt, komplitteras med akupunktur, laser, ultraljud och ström.

Så, om du känner dig stel i lederna eller kanske har lite ont i kroppen tycker jag att du ska besöka Naprapatkliniken. De hjälper dig att både behandla och förebygga, allt för ditt bästa. Du behöver inte kunna lokalisera din smärta exakt, du kan nämligen också få hjälp med att lokalisera smärtan till en bestämdpunkt. Och avslutningsvis ska jag väl säga att detta naprapat finns som sagt i Stockholm, Älvsjö och Globen för att vara exakt. Tydliga beskrivningar och adress hittar ni på deras hemsida som jag länkade precis i början av inlägget.

lördag 16 januari 2016

Book review: The Years

Title: The Years
Author: Virginia Woolf
Genre: Fiction, drama
Year published: 1937
Pages: ~450
A place to buy it: If you are in Sweden you can buy the book from Adlibris and if that's not the case you can buy if of Amazon.
Previous book review: Ladies Coupe

The Pargiters between 1880-1930

This is not a book for one that is looking for action or anything along dose lines. I enjoyed the book quite a lot, it's a nice, calm story. In the first chapter (called 1880) you get introduced to all the Pargiters and then, in each chapter that follows, you will be able to read about a day in the life, of one of the characters introduced in the first chapter, in a certain year (1891, 1907, 1908, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914, 1917, 1918). In the chapter 1880 and the last one everything is neatly presented and closed, resulting in these two chapters being longer than the one's in between.

I do have to say that the last chapter is very long and I find it too long. It's only one day, most of it during a party. Even if everything is getting tied together in that chapter I feel like it could've been without so much of the empty, confused dialogs and half finished sentences.

Pargiters are a fairly large family and I felt very confused during the first chapters. I didn't remember the characters and they were never really re-introduced again. One of the characters that appears quite a lot is the oldest daughter of lord Pargiter - Eleanor. But towards the end I promise you will know all the characters!

During these years you get to see - see with you imagination i guess - the changes in London. I almost got the feeling that the characters were all just examples of how time affected a middle-class family between late 1800's to early 1900. But in one way, I want to know more about all of the characters. Virginia Woolf manages to build characters complex and unique enough that I want to read a novel about each and every one of them. This book, I feel at times, barley scratches the surface of their lives.

Time and change

In this very special book I can't decide if the characters or the time and the changes that come with it are in focus. You can deffiently read it and think about it from both perspectives. I can think back on it and remember a book that tells the story about a city and it's place in time and the changes that slowly happened to that city - London - during the turn of the century.

I can also think back on the book and remember the story about how a family develop and adjust to the times and how each and every life takes it own, unique turn.

Either way I look at it, this book really capture time and change without saying whether it's good or bad. It just accepts it as what it is - inevitable. I would recommend this book to everyone who have a bit of time to calmly read it through. If you read through it, waiting for something to happen, you will fail to see that things actually happen all the time.

So, my final thoughts about the book is: I recommend it to a certain type of person, one that is patient and don't get bored if it isn't a thriller.

torsdag 14 januari 2016


Hi everyone! This post was originally going to be more snow photos but I really didn't feel like going outside today because it was so cold and ice everywhere. Then I decided to take some nice photos of the evening sky, and my photos turned out blurry because I had forgot to fix the focus and then my camera ran out of battery... So I didn't have any photos for today since it's too dark to go outside right now.

Instead I found these couple of photos of almonds. The photos are from December and I didn't post them because I felt like it was a bit weird. I couldn't find any other photos to go with these two. But here they are!

tisdag 12 januari 2016

Black and white paws

Hello readers! I'm already super tired after starting school this week, it feels like I'm almost about to fall asleep. It's so ridiculous, it's not even 8PM and I'm so tired, haha. I almost forgot blogging today but before the last sunlight disappeared I remembered and took some photos of Majas paws. Since the different colours of the photos was a bit dull I made them black and white with a hint of purple/blue in it. I quite like the colour they turned out in.

But it doesn't matter how nice the colour is because I still don't like these photos very much. I think they look a bit like I just cropped a photo of my cat too much or something. It didn't go as planned. But I'm just going to put them up in a post anyway and hope that next post is better. So that's what I did today, spent twenty minutes laying on the floor next to my cat, going to school and being tired.

Snöröjning i Stockholm!

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Visste du att det finns snöröjning i Stockholm? För nu är det vintertider, snön har fallit på många håll i landet, inte minst i Stockholm. Snö är både vit och vacker, men den kan föra med sig en del problem. För många innebär snön att det är dags att skotta men också att det blir väldigt halt för en tid framöver och man måste gå onödigt försiktigt. Men för dig som bor i Stockholm finns Allriv, och dem hjälper dig med alla problem snön kan komma att orsaka.

Allriv kan hjälpa dig med saker som grusleverans som är väldigt praktiskt ifall du behöver en leverans på upp till 1,6 ton av jord, sand eller grus. Även snöröjning och snöskottning går att få hjälp med. Snöskottningen gäller både stora och små ytor och utförs utan tunga maskiner. Du kan lätt få hjälp då Allriv står beredda dygnet runt mellan 1/11 och 31/3. Snöröjningen utförs dessutom av professionella arbetare med lång erfarenhet och Allriv jobbar efter ”Skotta säkert” riktlinjer för kunden och arbetarnas säkerhet. Det finns såklart också möjlighet att få hjälp med snöplogning av Allriv. Om så skulle vara fallet använder de sig vanligtvis av snöslunga, skyffel, snöraka och släde.

När det snöar hamnar också snön på taket, men ibland kan tyngden av snön bli skadlig för taket. Därför kan takskottning vara nödvändigt. Att utföra det själv är inte det säkra alternativet, bättre vore om du ringde efter Allriv. De utför nämligen sin takskottning och takröjning säkert. De som utför takröjningen är licensierade takskottare med rätt utbildning som kan utföra arbetet efter ”Skotta säkert” riktlinjerna.

Som jag tidigare nämnde innebär snö inte bara en hel del skottande. Det kan också behövas något mot halkan. Allriv erbjuder effektiv halkbekämpning. Deras snösmältningsmedel är miljövänligt och mest effektivt runt noll grader men det fungerar ända ner till minus femton grader. Det granulerade snösmältningsmedlet är verksamt mellan 3-5 dygn. Medlet är inte heller aggressivit vilket innebär att du inte behöver oroa dig för att det ska skada husdjurstassar, bilar, skor, vägbeläggning m.m. Den är till och med snäll mot växter och ogräss. Varken frätande, agressiv eller korrogerande.

Om du är mer nyfiken på Allriv och deras tjänster finns all information du kan tänkas behöva på deras hemsida som jag länkade precis i början av texten!

söndag 10 januari 2016

A little more snow...

Hi readers! A couple of days ago I told you about how it was snowing and how nice it was. Well, the snow is melting away right now. It's raining outside right now. But it continued to snow all day long yesterday, I took these photos then. Since the snow seems to be melting away right now I decided to share these photos with you today.

I'm starting school tomorrow, so we will see how often I will post. As always, I'll try and post as much and often as I can, but when I'm in school it's sometimes hard since it's dark before I leave for school and it's dark when I come home again.

fredag 8 januari 2016

It's snowing!

Hi everyone! Yes, it's finally snowing again. Since last evening it's been snowing, it's not very cold or too windy so it's nice outside. Maja and the other cats don't really like stepping in the snow, they go outside and come in right away and starts licking their paws. I went outside too and took some photos. And even though I rarely post any photos of myself I'll post two today.

To be honest, I think the photos today turned out really good. I didn't hurry or anything because for once I dressed warm with a knitted sweater. Not having to hurry inside right away really helped to get better photos, I'm quite happy. Also, the snow is really pretty but the snowflakes made a lot of my photos look grainy. I'm hoping to get even better photos when it has stopped snowing, tomorrow maybe!

torsdag 7 januari 2016

Almost sunset lighting

Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed last post with books I want to read, I very much enjoyed doing it and I'm probably going to have fun writing reviews on those books as soon as I get to read them. In today's post I just want everyone to appreciate this beautiful lighting. It makes me think so much of summer and warmth. I went into the bedroom to water the plants in the photos and the sun got into my eyes, then I just felt like some photos had to be taken.

But I have to say, everything looked much better when I took the photos, through the lens, than it did on my computer. Now I really don't know about these photos... I'm kind of disappointed because it feels like a missed opportunity. I got the veins in the leaves and the pattern of sun and shadow but I don't think the way I framed it was very nice at all.