tisdag 23 augusti 2016

Small flowers

Hi everybody! Today's post is about small little flowers. You don't really realize how small the flowers are, but you can sort of see my hand holding the white flower. I had to hold it, because the little breeze made it move too much so the photos turned out blurry.

I had my second day of school today, and it's really good. I'm liking it this far, and tomorrow we go after the schedule and have proper lessons. Now I'm home less, because it takes more time to get to and home from school, so I probably won't be able to post every day, especially not later this autumn when it gets darker because then it will most defiantly be dark when I get home. So from now on, I'm going to try and post every other day just as it was before summer. We will see how that goes, hopefully it'll be fine!

söndag 21 augusti 2016

A couple of photos of Sessan

Hello readers! School starts tomorrow, like I mentioned in my last post. I didn't go anywhere to take any photos today, I'm still very tired from the medicine but tomorrow is also the last day I take that, so hopefully I will feel a bit more energized later in the week. Because I didn't take any photos today, I will just go ahead and post these two of Sessan. I took them at the same time as last post, but I never intended to post them, I guess I just thought I wouldn't be so tired but I still am, so this is all I have for you today.

fredag 19 augusti 2016

Maja and Sessan

Hello readers! I still feel very tired from my antibiotics, but overall I'm feeling better, so that is great. I don't recall telling you about school, but I start on Monday. Just so you know, even though it probably won't be any less frequent posting since I barely post at all anyway (but that is because I'm sick!). I have been lightly working on the book reviews, and they will hopefully be able to start to come from next week and onwards every other week.

Today's photos are of Maja and one photo is of Sessan. I heard some strange sounds outside. When I went outside I saw Maja, sitting on the edge of the roof, drinking water from the downspout. She looked at me a bit confused, and I took the camera and took some photos of her, haha. Then when I was outside, Sessan came too, so I took a photo of her as well.

tisdag 16 augusti 2016

Stockholm - Day 5

Hi everyone! As promised yesterday, here is the last part of the Stockholm series, five parts since we were there for five days. I know some of today's photos are almost like yesterdays, but I still thought both of the photos were so nice I wanted to share both variations. I also added the video I spoke about yesterday to the post, just in case anyone would like to check it out.

I am still feeling sick, but I am going to try and get some photos for the blog tomorrow. It's also time to start writing book reviews, because I read eight books this summer and didn't even review half of them! Hopefully I will be able to start posting a book review every other week again, so stay tuned for that!


måndag 15 augusti 2016

Stockholm - Day 4

Hello readers! Yes, it has been long over a week since I last posted, but I have been so, so sick. During the train ride back home Friday 5th I started feeling cold, my throat hurt. The next days I had high fever and my throat was very swollen and I almost lost my voice. Then then it started to go down into my lungs, and I got a cough. After some time with the cough I went to the doctor and apparently I had pneumonia and had to take antibiotics for ten days. The antibiotics makes my stomach hurt incredibly bad, and that made me feel unwell yet again.

Now, after eating the medicine for some days I don't feel sick anymore - the cough is gone and so on - but my stomach hurt really bad. Regardless, I do feel a little bit better now so I decided to edit the remaining photos from Stockholm and post them. The last day is going to be tomorrow, since we were there for five days. I also edited a little quick video with some clips from the trip one of the days I didn't feel super sick. I'm not too happy with it, but it's up so you can watch it.

torsdag 4 augusti 2016

Stockholm - Day 3

Hello readers! Today I did not do much, just spent most of the time inside and had a calm day, and it was really nice. Tomorrow is our last day here, and I am probably going to go out and do a little bit of shopping. There are some things I really would try and get, especially since school starts in a couple of weeks. I will probably try to take some photos tomorrow and try to make a post before the train back to Gothenburg.

Today I share with you, a photo of the sunset from Stockholm's archipelago and a hot air balloon that passed by. I thought the photos fit nicely together. And speaking of photos together, you who follow me on Instagram might have notice that it was quite a while since I posted anything. That is because my phone right now is having some problems, but hopefully I can get a new phone soon, so that will be fixed.

onsdag 3 augusti 2016

Stockholm - Day 2

Hello everybody! I have tried gathering some photos to post since last post - as I promised in that post - and I do have a bunch of photos to share with you, but it's a little bit too late today and I'm really tired. Somehow I almost forget about blogging today, and when I remembered it was late and I was about to go to bed. So I just edited these three photos for you readers today, but hopefully I will have more time and not be as tired when I get back home - train home on late Friday evening. I've also been filming little parts here and there, maybe the clips turn out decent enough for me to put it together into a clip.

Anyway, moving on to talking about the actual photos in this post. These are three photos of Stockholm, taken from the water. I might also mention that the first photo is of an amusement park, just in case you are wondering.

tisdag 2 augusti 2016

Stockholm - Day 1

Hello readers! I know it has been a few days since I posted last time, it was not supposed to be like that, but I totally thought I had scheduled posts until Sunday. Yesterday I thought I was going to be able to write a book review on the train and then post it when we arrived in Stockholm, but I packed down my computer in my suitcase so I couldn't use it during the train ride, and then I forgot about it.

Today I just wanted to make this quick little post, because I don't want to forget about posting yet another day. Hopefully I will be able to get enough photos the rest of these days - I think that is totally possible - so that I can make lots of posts. Because, as you might know by now, I don't like making posts with more than 5-8 photos. Posts with more photos than that tend to take longer to load and somehow makes it lag a little bit.

Lastly, here is a photo I took right before writing this. I think the sky is very nice, the weather is a bit strange with sudden rains, but the clouds in the photo were nice.