fredag 17 juli 2015

Water splash

Hi there! Some days ago I told you about the last photo tips and that it should be posted some time during next week. Today was the day I decided to shoot some example photos to that post. I'm also going to show you a few of the photos I shoot today, to be honest I really like the water photos. A long time ago I made a post where I dropped a little stone into a bowl filled with water and I enjoyed doing that a lot. This time it's water being poured/splashed into a bird bath and it's outside and not in my kitchen.

Just as promised I'm going to post a book review on one of my favorite reads of this year so stay tuned! You can also always request any book you would like me to read and do a review on, but I think I've already mentioned that :) As for the photo tips I believe it's going to be posted about mid-week or in the beginning of the week, we'll see when I get it completely finished.

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