tisdag 5 april 2016

American lemon meringue pie

Hi everybody! Last summer I made one of my favorite pies ever, the American lemon meringue pie. The pie itself is basically a lemon curd in a pie shell with meringue on top. It's very delicious! Anyways, back to last summer. I made a pie then - and forgot to add meringue to the title for some reason - but the photos of it were not that great because I covered the pie in meringue so that you couldn't see the yellow lemon curd. So when I, last week, made another pie I thought that it might be fun to share the photos of this pie too. Just because you will get a better view of the lemon curd. Also I piped the meriengue better this time, and I think the pie overall looks better now.

I hope you enjoy these photos, and if you want you can check out this post on how to make a simple 5 ingredients apple pie if you want to see more pie-posts, this one is also complete with a recipe. And of course, here is the link to last years American lemon meringue pie that I talked about.

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